Thursday, July 9, 2009

ladder of influence - why we go wrong in our thinking or understanding other's thinking

Great engineering, well architected to explain basic concept of understanding others mind and explain why we go wrong in understanding !!

For now, please window shop the concept here

I will be back with my 10cents in my next post.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Are you a Leader or a Manager ?

Good post from Bruce Lynn, good consolidation of those 2 dimentions.
  1. Leaders optimise the upside; Managers minimise the downside. Both together net more.
  2. Leaders envision possibilities; Managers calculate probabilities. Both together win more.
  3. Leaders focus on the ends; Managers focus on the means. Both together reach more.
  4. Leaders focus on the what; Managers focus on the how. Both together do more.
  5. Leaders prepare beyond the limits; Managers focus execution within limits. Both together perform better.
  6. Leaders generate energy; Managers preserve energy. Both together energise more.
  7. Leaders seize opportunities; Managers avert threats. Both together progress more.