Saturday, May 30, 2009

Know your master

It works !! if you know your master... not only in academics but also in practical life, be it professional or personal, at home and at play. Its "key" to the success.

Here are the fine example from my experiences, in during my M.Tech in IIT - getting a A+ grade in communication engineering subject is next to impossible, because its not a high scoring subject like algorithms or data structures. Its plain text & you get bored to write paras after paras with at most one or two diagrams. Then how to get A+ and how to win the game (of getting top ranker in IIT)? Thats where knowing my master (professor) helped me :) Instead of writing entire answer sheet with one pen, I have used multiple color pens - using all my art skills, and made my answer sheet impressive to look, and thats catched my master (I understand now how monotonous he felt going through other answer sheets, so far, all his experience. He is a senior professor btw) and awarded me A+. So what made me to win? yes, its Innovation, I agree. But innovation is targeted to suit my master, isn;t it?

Every body agrees that it applies to office/profession. Where in your master could be your boss or a manager .. and if you don't have a boss (if you are one among few lucky chaps :) ) then your client or customer will be your master.

That said. lets take another example, at home (I would say indian home more precisely), I am sure my wife sees me as a master & kids too, and they try to win my attention by doing things which I like.. food, choosing articles & apparels. But again not always :) as I feel, I guess every master feels the same way. So there are occasions where you do things for yourself, winning your own master, in you.

To wrap up, its fine balance that you try to achieve, so that both masters are satisfied.. some time one dominates another, and thats where knowing your master(s) helps to win the life game.

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